Office365 Attacks: Bypassing MFA, Achieving Persistence and More - Part I

APTs are actively attacking Office 365 (O365) – finding mechanisms to bypass MFA and to impersonate users regardless of whether you reset their passwords. When I was looking through the Mitre mapping of O365 attacks , I noticed that it didn’t include many methods of intrusion and actions on objectives that can occur with O365. In conversations with several clients, I couldn’t help but notice that there’s still a heavy focus on “endpoint” style attacks and not much resource / thought put into attacks that can occur in the cloud. Attacking O365 gives an attacker many benefits… it allows an attacker to impersonate users, alter MFA settings, register malicious devices, access Teams messages, download sensitive emails, access SharePoint, OneDrive, register malicious applications and various other actions that could allow them to maintain persistence in your environment. This blog post explores the various ways O365 can be attacked. I will be writing a Part II follow up that describes the me...